Spring Term 1
Here is the link to the Medium Term Plans for Spring 1:
In our English work we have been looking at the short film The Piano by Aidan Gibbons. We have all interpreted the film very well with our own thoughts and ideas. Miss Tasker has been really impressed this week with our retelling of the story in first person from the man's point of view.
Art - drawing and still life.
We have been building the skills
involved in sketching, composition of still life and looking at the works of Pecis, Hockney and Cezanne. Even though these are tricky skills Year 5 have given them a really good go.
In our PE session on a Wednesday we have been orienteering. We are improving our map skills to help find our way. Miss Tasker is really impressed with how well we have worked in pairs for this, working well on our communication skills and working together.
Katy from Life Education visited us last week to deliver a session on feelings and how to stay safe and healthy. We enjoyed seeing Harold the giraffe again.