Autumn 1
Here is a link to the medium term planning for Autumn 1.
We welcome Reception children to our school. The Year 1 children have helped Reception settle in very well. The children have been busy exploring the indoor and outdoor provision and building friendships.
Our topic this half-term is All About Me and Carnforth Community - Where we Live. Year 1 have been introduced to the key geographical vocabulary for our geography topic. They matched the vocabulary to pictures and we talked about the meaning of each word.
In PE, Reception and Year One have been developing their fundamental movement skills: jumping for distance, hopping, underarm and overarm throwing, catching, and climbing with confidence.
Year 1 have been learning about Place Value in Maths. They have explored numbers to 20 and beyond through counting, reading and writing numbers, grouping objects in groups of ten and ones, using ten frames and making two-digit numbers with base 10 equipment.

In RE, Reception and Year 1 have been learning about Harvest. The Reception children collected natural items outside and created wonderful collages.

Reception and Year 1 enjoying exploring our outdoor learning space!

In maths, Reception have been learning all about the number 5. Year 1 have been learning their number bonds to 10, and addition and subtraction facts for 10.

Our class have been learning about Seasonal Changes. We explored our school field, looking for signs of autumn. We set up a weather station and recorded the daily temperature and rainfall.