Autumn Term 2
Here is the link to the Medium Term Plans for Autumn 2:
Our PE learning: gymnastics. Balances on the apparatus and supported balances.

Dodgeball with Coach Gunn

Science learning: Evolution and adaptation - after learning how animals and plants are adapted to suit the environment in which they live, our learning challenge was to create a species adapted to live in the polar region, desert, rainforest or ocean

We have learned all about Charles Darwin and his discoveries on the Galapagos Islands linked to the different types of finches and how their beaks have adapted over time, depending on what they eat. we carried out an experiment called Battle of the Beaks. We used different implements such as scissors, tweezers, clothes pegs and teaspoons for the bird's beaks and frozen peas, small pasta and elastic bands for the food. We had 10 seconds to see how many of each item we could pick up with the implements. Some were more difficult than we thought they would be!

As part of our Geography learning, we took part in Carnforth's Big Green Week and went out into the local community to help clear up the litter.

Our Geography learning this half term has been all about Sustainability. We have been learning all about the leading 'green and sustainable' cities in the world and how we could be more sustainable in our local area. This has linked well with our learning from last half term. We then designed a future sustainable city in groups and created a class 3D model.
Our Design Technology brief was linked to our Sustainability learning - to design an electric car. This also linked to our Science learning from last half term. We are now qualified to work for Tesla!