Autumn Term 1
As part of the GREAT BIG GREEN WEEK we worked with KS1 and lower KS2 to plant some spring bulbs and clean up our patch by litter picking. We worked so hard digging and scooping the soil. We talked about how to plant the bulbs the correct way round so that the roots were at the bottom and carefully put soil over them to keep them warm over the winter months. We are really looking forward to seeing them grow in the spring! Such a lot of teamwork, discussion, turn taking and perseverance!

We have been thinking about where we live and the types of houses we live in. We went on our first local walk around Carnforth to see what sorts of houses we could spot nearby our school. We talked about the names given to different houses and learnt the words - terraced, semi-detached, detached, bungalow and flats. The children also spotted a caravan in the traffic and explained how people also live in these but they can be moved around! Whilst we were out we also practiced our road safety rules of STOP, LOOK, LISTEN and THINK! We took it in turns to carefully cross Bloomfield Road whilst saying and doing each stage of the road rules.

We have been really enjoying our P.E. lessons with Mrs Gleave and the Year 1 and 2 children focusing on our fundamental movements, hopping, skipping and throwing.

We had such a lot of fun raising money for new school books with the school council. We took part in our whole school sponsored 'Bounce for Books' and raised £854 altogether!
After reading the story 'Marvelous Me' we talked about all the things that make us marvelous and unique. We then worked really carefully to paint our portraits. We mixed some colours for our features and looked in the mirror to help us with the shapes and positions.

We've had so much fun making new friends and settling into our new learning environment!
We love learning outdoors!

We had a great first day in school!